I’m just going to rename it here, we’re going to call this one, two. If I deselect this and click on save, it will be the same size. And from here, what I need to do is I need to make sure that I have create linearized PDF selected, we can see that I have it selected here. To do that, what we do is we go up under File, and then we go over to export.

So now I have it open here, I want to export this out, I want to make it smaller, I want to compress it. But again, by default, when you double click this, it should open up in the preview app. And then you’re going to see Open With and then select Preview. So how can you get it to open up in preview? Well, basically, all you have to do is just hold down the CTRL key and you click on it. But if you have another PDF app or another PDF application, it may open up in that such as acrobat. Now by default, when you have a PDF here, it will open up in the preview app. So I need to first open it up in the preview app. So how can I send this? Well, basically, what I need to do is I need to compress it. When we select this, we have a window that opens up and you can see that it’s about 48 megabytes, I will not be able to send this file via email, most emails will accept only up to about five megabytes. And to see the file size, what we do is we go up under File, and then we go over to get info. So I have this PDF here, this is a large PDF. Maybe you have a PDF that you’d like to send to someone and it’s too large, well, you can compress that using the Preview app. To launch ColorSync, just simply use Spotlight or Launchpad and simply search for it.In this video, we’re going to look at how we can compress a PDF with the preview app. But if you want to first know more about ColorSync, you can read it here in this old article on Apple’s support page: Now that, last bit there about the Quartz filters, that’s the interesting bit that allows you to do cool stuff on your PDF documents. Long story short, ColorSync is a utility that ships with your Mac that is used for management of color profiles and also the management of Quartz filters which you can modify your colors or add effects to your PDF files and other documents. To start, let me introduce you to a utility called ColorSync.

Though not exactly Adobe Acrobat level of capability, but it’s so far not failed to meet my needs in terms of manipulating a PDF document, with the only exception of compressing or optimising a PDF document. As you probably already know, the Preview app on the latest OS X version, El Capitan, is rather powerful. The 5 minutes (cheapskate) option: Compress PDF for free with utilities already on your Macīut of course, if you are continuing to read on, you really want to just compress PDF for free. If you don’t want to get you hands a little dirty and can easily afford $3.99 on an app, this really is a good option.